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Sell More This Holiday Season With Email

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Sell more this holiday season with email addresses

In sum, selling more gift cards can be a great way to increase revenue this holiday season. From email and social media promotions to package deals and in-person sales efforts, these are a handful of tactics that you can use to drive more gift card sales. 4 Steps to Sell More this Holiday Season You've got the perfect answer to your client's gift-giving needs, and it happens to sell you more albums! Just follow these 4 steps below- we know you've got this. Offer a holiday discount. Set a cutoff deadline. Pick an email template. Solve their gift-giving problem & make more money! The 2020 holiday selling season is fast approaching and, as we know, this has traditionally been the focal period for most retailers (office products stores consider back to school their version.

Sell More This Holiday Season With Email

The fourth quarter is prime time for e-commerce. According to Forbes contributor Sucharita Mulpuru, holiday e-commerce sales growth outpaced holiday brick-and-mortar sales growth by a healthy margin last year.

Meanwhile, nearly every day following Cyber Monday (the Monday after Thanksgiving) saw e-commerce sales greater than $1 billion.

Thanks to a healthy labor market and signs that inflation is finally ticking up, this year's holiday shopping season is on track to beat last year's with ease.

Time is running out to get your e-commerce house in order for the big end-of-year push. Here are eight fixes you can make this week to attract more mobile-wielding shoppers and finish 2017 on an up note.

1. Get Mobile Traffic in Your Funnel Right Away

Why beat around the push? As soon as their browser finishes loading the page, invite first-time visitors to sign up for your email list or create a shopper account. Tempt them with tales of easy members-only checkout—more on that below.

2. Don't Neglect Tablet Users

Millions of online shoppers prefer to browse by tablet, not smartphone or laptop. Tablet shopping is particularly popular with older, more affluent customers, both at home and in-store. (Opportunistic comparison-shopping is a lot easier with a larger screen.)

Mobile trailblazers like Beyond the Rack perfected tablet-first design before it was cool. You don't have to go all-in with a separate tablet site, as they did—just integrate tablet-friendly elements, such as draggable images and large buttons, into your existing responsive interface.

3. Lose the Email Clutter

Avoid overwhelming marketing email recipients with text-heavy, multi-column blasts. Keep each email short and to the point—ideally, focused on a single promotion or product. That's easier to do during the holiday season, when you can play up a sitewide Cyber Monday sale or 'Twelve Days of Christmas' clearance.

4. Ask Users To Allow Push Notifications

Push notifications can further reduce your reliance on email marketing during the holiday season, when your prospects' inboxes are likely to be even more cluttered than usual with promotional content. Prompt every new mobile visitor to sign up for push notifications and, ideally, allow geotargeting. Then, get to work serving them relevant deals based on their location and past browsing habits.


5. Always Be Cross-Selling

Four words: 'You might also like…' Build a suggestions bar into your e-commerce site, and follow up purchases with emails, push notifications, and even non-digital content (postcards, anyone?) with helpful tips for the next shop.

6. Start Creating Shareable, Mobile-Friendly Content

You can't turn up a sophisticated content marketing operation overnight, but you can start creating shareable, mobile-friendly content.

Short videos and memes work great on Facebook and Twitter; memes and professional photos work well on Pinterest. The more memorable, the better, as long as the tone and message stay consistent with your brand. Remember, the goal is to get prospects to share within their networks—anything positive to that end is good.

7. Run Paid Search Campaigns Against Your Competitors

No, this isn't playing dirty. In competitive e-commerce niches, it's an absolute necessity. Your budget will necessarily limit your reach, so choose your key phrases carefully—the goal here is to associate your site with common long-tail holiday searches including your competitors' full name or their commonly used brand names, like 'XYZ Shopping Site Black Friday deals.'

Sell More This Holiday Season With Emails

8. Implement One-Click Checkout

Are abandoned carts the bane of your e-commerce existence? Reduce their occurrence with a streamlined checkout process—ideally, one-click checkout for returning customers. Navigating a multi-step checkout journey is especially difficult on a small screen, so sell this to first-time mobile visitors as a perk of membership.

Well, here we go. The holiday rush has already started. It seems to get earlier and earlier every year.

Sell More This Holiday Season With Email Addresses

The holiday decorations are up and the home shopping channels on TV are adorned with trees and holiday decorations on their sets. And Christmas music is already on 2 radio stations in our area.

Ready, set, start your holiday marketing now!

What do you have planned at your business this holiday season?


In sum, selling more gift cards can be a great way to increase revenue this holiday season. From email and social media promotions to package deals and in-person sales efforts, these are a handful of tactics that you can use to drive more gift card sales. 4 Steps to Sell More this Holiday Season You've got the perfect answer to your client's gift-giving needs, and it happens to sell you more albums! Just follow these 4 steps below- we know you've got this. Offer a holiday discount. Set a cutoff deadline. Pick an email template. Solve their gift-giving problem & make more money! The 2020 holiday selling season is fast approaching and, as we know, this has traditionally been the focal period for most retailers (office products stores consider back to school their version.

The fourth quarter is prime time for e-commerce. According to Forbes contributor Sucharita Mulpuru, holiday e-commerce sales growth outpaced holiday brick-and-mortar sales growth by a healthy margin last year.

Meanwhile, nearly every day following Cyber Monday (the Monday after Thanksgiving) saw e-commerce sales greater than $1 billion.

Thanks to a healthy labor market and signs that inflation is finally ticking up, this year's holiday shopping season is on track to beat last year's with ease.

Time is running out to get your e-commerce house in order for the big end-of-year push. Here are eight fixes you can make this week to attract more mobile-wielding shoppers and finish 2017 on an up note.

1. Get Mobile Traffic in Your Funnel Right Away

Why beat around the push? As soon as their browser finishes loading the page, invite first-time visitors to sign up for your email list or create a shopper account. Tempt them with tales of easy members-only checkout—more on that below.

2. Don't Neglect Tablet Users

Millions of online shoppers prefer to browse by tablet, not smartphone or laptop. Tablet shopping is particularly popular with older, more affluent customers, both at home and in-store. (Opportunistic comparison-shopping is a lot easier with a larger screen.)

Mobile trailblazers like Beyond the Rack perfected tablet-first design before it was cool. You don't have to go all-in with a separate tablet site, as they did—just integrate tablet-friendly elements, such as draggable images and large buttons, into your existing responsive interface.

3. Lose the Email Clutter

Avoid overwhelming marketing email recipients with text-heavy, multi-column blasts. Keep each email short and to the point—ideally, focused on a single promotion or product. That's easier to do during the holiday season, when you can play up a sitewide Cyber Monday sale or 'Twelve Days of Christmas' clearance.

4. Ask Users To Allow Push Notifications

Push notifications can further reduce your reliance on email marketing during the holiday season, when your prospects' inboxes are likely to be even more cluttered than usual with promotional content. Prompt every new mobile visitor to sign up for push notifications and, ideally, allow geotargeting. Then, get to work serving them relevant deals based on their location and past browsing habits.

5. Always Be Cross-Selling

Four words: 'You might also like…' Build a suggestions bar into your e-commerce site, and follow up purchases with emails, push notifications, and even non-digital content (postcards, anyone?) with helpful tips for the next shop.

6. Start Creating Shareable, Mobile-Friendly Content

You can't turn up a sophisticated content marketing operation overnight, but you can start creating shareable, mobile-friendly content.

Short videos and memes work great on Facebook and Twitter; memes and professional photos work well on Pinterest. The more memorable, the better, as long as the tone and message stay consistent with your brand. Remember, the goal is to get prospects to share within their networks—anything positive to that end is good.

7. Run Paid Search Campaigns Against Your Competitors

No, this isn't playing dirty. In competitive e-commerce niches, it's an absolute necessity. Your budget will necessarily limit your reach, so choose your key phrases carefully—the goal here is to associate your site with common long-tail holiday searches including your competitors' full name or their commonly used brand names, like 'XYZ Shopping Site Black Friday deals.'

Sell More This Holiday Season With Emails

8. Implement One-Click Checkout

Are abandoned carts the bane of your e-commerce existence? Reduce their occurrence with a streamlined checkout process—ideally, one-click checkout for returning customers. Navigating a multi-step checkout journey is especially difficult on a small screen, so sell this to first-time mobile visitors as a perk of membership.

Well, here we go. The holiday rush has already started. It seems to get earlier and earlier every year.

Sell More This Holiday Season With Email Addresses

The holiday decorations are up and the home shopping channels on TV are adorned with trees and holiday decorations on their sets. And Christmas music is already on 2 radio stations in our area.

Ready, set, start your holiday marketing now!

What do you have planned at your business this holiday season?

Does it include selling gift cards?

It's a huge, multi-billion-dollar industry. Everyone wants gift cards for the holidays. They are so easy to buy. You offer gift cards for your business, don't you? I hope so.

I found some information that will help you market your Gift Cards for this upcoming holiday season. The more you know about the purchasing habits of your customers in relation to buying Gift Cards, the more effective you can be marketing and selling them.

  • 77% of consumers say they spend the same amount when giving a gift card as they would on a traditional gift.
  • NEARLY HALF of consumers received a gift card on Christmas.
  • According to Google, when scrambling to get a gift a couple of days before Christmas, you are most likely to buy a gift card. This means last minute promotions for gift cards will work very well for you.
  • More than 70% of women plan on giving a gift card within the next 3 months. In contrast, only 55% of men are planning to buy a gift card within that time frame. You're marketing to mainly women as opposed to men.
  • Nearly 85% of 25-34 year olds say they are giving a gift card. A senior is much less likely to buy a gift card; only 40% of customers aged 65 and over are planning to give a gift card in the next couple of months. The younger generation are the majority of gift card purchasers reach them where they look for your marketing, such as social media sites.
  • Gift cards have the ability to get customers in the door; 72% of shoppers also do some shopping for themselves when going to a store or website to purchase a gift card. Try to sell them something else. Incremental sales can add significant income to your holiday revenue.
  • Customers are 2.5 times more likely to buy something for full price if they pay with a gift card.
  • Women are nearly 2 times more likely than men to buy a gift card because of a design.
  • $25 is the most popular denomination of gift cards to be given over the next three months, with 44% of consumers indicating this is the average amount they will load on each card. 24% will give $50 denominations and 6% will give $100. Use a bonus Gift Card promotion to help increase the dollar amount sold.
  • Gift cards have such high perceived value that nearly half of consumers would prefer a $25 gift card to a present worth $50!

Start planning your Gift Card promotion now and cash in on this big Holiday Promotion.

Plan for a great holiday selling season today!


P.S. If you haven't placed your holiday No Peeking/Red Envelope order yet, there is still time. But, like Santa on Christmas Eve it will be here and gone before you know it. To take advantage of the #1 Bounce Back Promotion EVER, click the button below and give yourself the best present ever — a full restaurant in January.

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